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Aromatic Moor


A hydro-soluble, rich, black magma containing: Minerals, Amino Acids, Phyto-Hormones, Vitamins, Enzymes, Natural Antibiotics,
Humic Acid, and Salicylic Acid. The therapeutic properties of Moor Mud have been acknowledged for thousands of years. Its unusual qualities have been recognized by mankind from the time of Europe’s
earliest civilizations. Moor Mud has been successfully used in spas all over Europe for natural and preventive medicine due to its curative properties, particularly in the field of rheumatology.
Use the Aromatic Moor for aches and pains, sports injuries, and rheumatic aches.

Size: 5kg
Product Code: 1850-22
Brand: Pevonia

SKU: 1850-22 Categories: , ,


A hydro-soluble, rich, black magma containing: Minerals, Amino Acids, Phyto-Hormones, Vitamins, Enzymes, Natural Antibiotics,
Humic Acid, and Salicylic Acid. The therapeutic properties of Moor Mud have been acknowledged for thousands of years. Its unusual qualities have been recognized by mankind from the time of Europe’s
earliest civilizations. Moor Mud has been successfully used in spas all over Europe for natural and preventive medicine due to its curative properties, particularly in the field of rheumatology.
Use the Aromatic Moor for aches and pains, sports injuries, and rheumatic aches.

How To Use

For spa treatments, can be solely applied on the body.
The Aromatic Moor Mud is used for:
• Balneotherapy Baths
• Stress relief
• Full or partial body wraps (keep wrapped for 20 minutes).
Refer to procedure in body Step-By-Step manual (Aromatic Moor Wrap Treatment). Page 179 & 180 (Anti-Stress back Treatment) Page 188

Who Needs It

All Skin Types in need of detoxing, stress and tension relief


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